Winners 2023

Matteo Damiani with his short film The Last Feast won the prize of the national section of the twentieth edition of accordi @ DISACCORDI – International Short Film Festival in Naples. The artistic jury awarded the short film because Matteo Damiani’s The last feast is “A lyrical look between irony and tenderness on the world of private affections and private affections that echoes the lessons of the first Olmi and the best Avati. Offering the viewer an original story in unexplored landscapes of great emotional impact”. The Neapolitan event, directed by Pietro Pizzimento and Fabio Gargano, was held from 12 to 19 November 2023 entirely at the Court of Art of FOQUS in Naples with the screening of 119 short films finalists and meetings with the authors of the works presented. In the jury this year as president, the director and professor of the Academy of Fine Arts of Naples, Carlo Luglio, accompanied by jurors Alessandra Farro and Dalal Suleiman.
The first prize of the Campania section went to the short film Il mare che muove le cose by Lorenzo Marinelli: “Altro mare” in Marinelli’s film, not a symbol of freedom but a vehicle for encounters between “foreign” souls and different solitudes where it is still possible the magic of a better world that with poetic and twilight gaze offers the viewer.”
Nando Paone for the short film Il mare che muove le cose by Lorenzo Marinelli with the motivation “Nando Paone confirms his surreal vein by supporting with sobriety and humor the dramatic role of a sick man swinging between melancholy and hope.”
Angela Norelli with We should all be Futurists, in competition at the recent Venice International Film Festival, won the award for best director, “for the ability to superimpose registers and cinematographic grammars that blend with a wise direction History and cinematographic knowledge with good taste and through a classic and modern language imbued with a strong irony that reworks in a different way an imaginary extinct.”
The award for the best national actress of the 20th edition of accordi @ DISACCORDI was divided ex aequo between Dora Romano and Luisa De Santis in The last feast by Matteo Damiani “Dora Romano and Luisa De Santis in a state of grace offer a deep authenticity to the two sisters of “the Last Feast”, letting bloom from their looks and their gestures a range of emotions rare in our days: feelings and not sentimentalism.”
This year the artistic jury also wanted to create an award for the best actress in the Campania section, and this was divided ex aequo between Anna Carla Broegg and Gea Martire of E’ solo il vento by Enrico Iannaccone. “Gea Martire and Anna Carla Broegg for “It’s just the wind” translate madness and spirit of survival with total empathy towards the characters well outlined by Iannacone, who represent a part of the real world that animates our lives. They make us live the moods of the characters that pulsate with human resistance in the case of the Broegg and dissociation for the Martire. “
Special mention for emerging actress went to Brigitta Fiertler for Sistemi isolati by Simone Pascale.
Caramelle by Matteo Panebarco won the section Animation “A delicate and poignant story, dyed by pastel colors, which already suggest the parts of the story. There are no words, if not written, yet the characters speak, get angry, are moved, without making a sound. An animation halfway between Tim Burton and the classics of Pixar that wins and softens.”
The award for the best documentary went instead to Malafede by Chiara Borsini, Marialuisa Greco and Paolo Corazza with the motivation: a heartfelt tribute to the great master Marcello Colasurdo, great interpreter of the popular song and historical voice of the Zezi workers group, became the protagonist of a unique rite in the world, “the juta of the feminielli”, pilgrimage of homosexuals, transgender and more generally to the world Ldbtq+, the shrine of Our Lady of Montevergine on the feast of Candlemas on 2 February.
The documentary immerses us in the special atmosphere of this festival and gives us that sense of freedom and joy through the images and stories of the great master Colasurdo.
Inheritance by Matthieu Haag won the International section of accordi @ DISACCORDI – 20th edition and took home a main prize also Veo Veo by David Valverde Burguillos for the environmental section.
The audience has awarded his prize to Lorenzo Giroffi with his film Il vicolo dei sogni.
The prize for best editing, established by AMC – National Association of Film and Television Editing for the festival, has been renewed this year, with the jury composed by Sarah McTeigue, Miriam Palmarella and Gabriele Passaretti; to the editor Francesco Furesi for the short film Blind by Alessandro Panzeri went the prize 2023 edition. Special mention of the jury of AMC instead went to the editor Chiara Marotta for the short film Z.O. by Loris G. Nese.
accordi @ DISACCORDI – International short film festival in Naples is organized by the association Movies Event with the contribution of the Campania Region through the regional fund for cinema and audiovisual. The Festival makes use of the international partnership of the Canadian Italian Contemporary Film Festival, the precious collaboration of the Experimental Center of Cinematography – Production, the National Center of Short Film, of the Italian Film Festival Association and the German, French and Belgian national film promotion agencies.