Presentation 2021

accordi @ DISACCORDI
International Short Film Festival – 18th Edition

From 16 to 21 November 2021 will be held, in Naples and online, the 18th edition of accordi @ DISACCORDI – International Short Film Festival directed by Pietro Pizzimento and Fabio Gargano; festival organized by the association Movies Event in collaboration with the Department of Culture of the City of Naples and co-funded by the Piano Cinema of the Campania Region through Film Commission Campania Region.

One hundred and fifty-eight short films, documentaries, animated and experimental films, representing thirty-two countries, with many movies in European and Italian premiere, selected among three thousands nine hundred and twenty-seven works received from one hundred and twenty-two countries. The screenings will be attended by the authors and actors. The sections of six usual competitions (international, national, Campania Region, documentaries, short animated films and environmental films) will be joined this year, in addition to the section “Short Short Films”, and  the out of competition of Experimental Films from the United States, from Germany, France and many nations of the seven continents.

The eighteenth edition, with free admission in presence, will take place in two different locations in Naples: in addition to the PAN – Palazzo delle Arti Napoli, that will remain the main prestigious location, will join the Court of Art of FOQUS that will host the closing evening of the event on November 21 with the award ceremony, conducted by the presenter Mariasilvia Malvone.

After the success of the last edition, held entirely on the international platform Festhome TV, due to the pandemic Covid-19, this year part of the festival will be presented in the virtual room of FESTHOME until December 5, with the aim of reaching a wider audience and with the aim of reaching a wider audience and allowing cinephiles from all over the world to participate to the festival even at a distance. With a credit of 4 Euro you can follow the program of the festival via computer, smartphone, tablet or smart TV and you can see in addition to the many works in national and European preview also many short films intended for online viewing only, as if you had a front-row at the cinema.

News also in the juries of the festival, in addition to that of the public that will award its award through FESTHOME and the artistic one, composed this year by the president the film and theater producer Angelo Curti and the casting directors, Adele Gallo and Massimiliano Pacifico, also the juries of the national partnership bodies of the AMC – Associazione Montatori Cinematografici e Televisivi e AIC – Italian Association of Authors of Cinematographic Photography that will award their prize to the best editing and best photography to the films in competition in the sections, national and that of the Campania region. The two national professional associations nominated as jurors the editors: Alessandro Giordani, president, Cristina d’Eredità and Marco Monardo and the directors of photography Daniele Nannuzzi, president, Simone Marra and Luca Cestari. The honorary jury composed of Guido Lombardi, Nero Nelson and Marcello Sannino will support the artistic one in the awards decisions.

The festival will, as always, make use of the precious collaboration of the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia – Production and the Centro Nazionale del Cortometraggio.

In the international section will compete the American Doug Roland with the short film nominated Oscar 2021, “Feeling Through”,  the British director David Bartlett with “Mousie” and Tommy Gillard with the award-winning film “Shuttlecock, the well-known Iranian director Alireza Ghasemi con “Extra Sauce”, short film presented in Locarno and in the main international festivals, the brilliant musical “Cris Superstar” by Guillermo Fernández Groizard; close the section the Chilean film “Moostro” the French “O Mà” by Vincent Launay – Franceschini and the film by Iranian director Alireza Teimori “Mostafa”.

The national section is well represented by the film awarded with the Nastro d’Argento 2021, “Bataclan” by Emanuele Aldrovandi, the short films produced by the Experimental Center of Cinematography, “Ninnaò” by Ernesto Maria Censori and “Tropicana” by Francesco Romano awarded with Special Mention for directing at the Festa del Cinema in Rome 2020 – Alice nella Città, by the surprising “La Terra delle Onde” by Francesco Lorusso well-acted by the young actors protagonists. “A new Perspective” by Emanuela Ponzano, present in the national competition, will make us reflect on the “walls” raised in different nations. We will smile with “Bailabamba” by Andrea Walts, and we will appreciate the actings of Giorgio Colangeli present in “Nel Blu” by Mounir Derbal and of the moving Milena Vukotic in “Con i Pedoni tra le Nuvole” by Maurizio Rigatti.

Surprising and rich the section of the Campania Region that expresses the moment of considerable creative vivacity of the film industries present in Campania. The couple of directors Chiara Marotta and Loris Giuseppe Nese represent the spearhead of this edition of the festival with their “Il Turno” presented at the 78th Venice Film Festival and also competing in our festival and with “Malumore”, out of competition” and awarded at the last edition Torino Film Festival. Valerio Vestoso will present in competition after the success at the recent Festa del Cinema in Rome, “Le buone Maniere” with the couple of actors in great stride, Giovanni Esposito and Gino Rivieccio. Maddalena Stornaiuolo with “Coriandoli” presented at the Film Festival of Venice this year and Edgardo Pistone with “Le Mosche”, awarded last year in Venice as well, “Homeless” by Luca Esposito and “Estate Povera” by Andrea Piretti will lead us to reflect on the “suburbs”. Closing the section “a Couple” of the director of the Centro Sperimentale di Fotografia, the short film with a muffled atmosphere “From Day until Evening” by Alessandro Gattuso, “Music in the Soul” by Loris Arduino excellently starred by Lello Serao, and “L’Invito” by Borruto Brothers with Andy Luotto.

Among the documentaries selected in the competition, deserve attention, among others, “Fiaba Garganica” by Adriano Losacco, “Fritti dalle Stelle” by the cinegustologo and film critic Marco Lombardi, “Vive Saint Sara!” by Daniele Lucaferri, a 48-hour journey into the world of gypsies and “The Naples of My Father” by Alessia Bottone, a journey back in time.

Also very rich is the section of short animated films, both in competition and out of competition, received mainly thanks to the accredited presence of our festival in the main international circuits of Animation and Experimental Cinema. In the competition the attention was paid to the Cinema of the Americas and to amazing experimental films, awarded or in competition, at the International Festival of Animation in Annecy: “Jung & Restless” by Joanna Priestley and “Memorabilia” by Mélissa Faivre. “Mondo Domino” by Suki Suki and produced by Arte France Cinéma will amaze the audience.

Finally to close the sections in the competition on environmental and climate change. A 360 degrees look at the state of Planet Earth, also contemplating beauties that maybe one day will finally disappear!

From 16 to 21 November 2021 will be held, in Naples and online, the
18th edition of agreements @ DISACCORDI – International Short Film
Festival directed by Pietro Pizzimento and Fabio Gargano; festival
organized by the association Movies Event in collaboration with the
Department of Culture of the City of Naples and co-funded by the
Piano Cinema of the Campania Region through Film Commission
Campania Region.

One hundred and fifty-eight short films, documentaries, animated and
experimental films, representing thirty-two countries, with many
movies in European and Italian premiere, selected among three
thousands nine hundred and twenty-seven works received from one
hundred and twenty-two countries. The screenings will be attended by
the authors and actors. The sections of six usual competitions
(international, national, Campania Region, documentaries, short
animated films and environmental films) will be joined this year, in
addition to the section “Cortissimi”, the out of competition of
Experimental Films from the United States, from Germany, France and
many nations of the seven continents.

The eighteenth edition, with free admission in presence, will take place
in two different locations in Naples: in addition to the PAN – Palazzo
delle Arti Napoli, that will remain the main prestigious location, will
join the Court of Art of FOQUS that will host the closing evening of the
event on November 21 with the award ceremony, conducted by the
presenter Mariasilvia Malvone.

After the success of the last edition, held entirely on the international
platform Festhome TV, due to the pandemic Covid-19, this year part of
the festival will be presented in the virtual room of FESTHOME until
December 5, with the aim of reaching a wider audience and with the
aim of reaching a wider audience and allowing cinephiles from all over
the world to participate to the festival even at a distance. With a credit
of 4 Euro you can follow the program of the festival via computer,
smartphone, tablet or smart TV and you can see in addition to the
many works in national and European preview also many short films
intended for online viewing only, as if you had a front-row at the

News also in the juries of the festival, in addition to that of the public
that will award its award through FESTHOME and the artistic one,
composed this year by the president the film producer and theater
Angelo Curti and the casting directors, Adele Gallo and Massimiliano
Pacifico, also the juries of the national partnership bodies of the AMC
event – Associazione Montatori Cinematografici e Televisivi e AIC –
Italian Association of Authors of Cinematographic Photography that
18° Festival Internazionale del Cortometraggio accordi @ DISACCORDI 7
will award their prize to the best editing and best photography to the
films in competition in the sections, national and that of the Campania
region. The two national professional associations nomimaneted as
jurors the editors: Alessandro Giordani, president, Cristina d’Eredità
and Marco Monardo and the directors of photography Daniele
Nannuzzi, president, Simone Marra and Luca Cestari. The honorary
jury composed of Guido Lombardi, Nero Nelson and Marcello Sannino
will support the artistic one in the awards decisions.
The festival will, as always, make use of the precious collaboration of
the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia – Production and the
Centro Nazionale del Cortometraggio.

In the international section will compete the American Doug Roland
with the short film nominated Oscar 2021, “Feeling Through”, the
British director David Bartlett with “Mousie” and Tommy Gillard with
the award-winning film “Shuttlecock, il noto regista iraniano Alireza
Ghasemi con “Extra Sauce”, short film presented in Locarno and in the
main international festivals, the brilliant musical “Cris Superstar” by
Guillermo Fernández Groizard; close the section the Chilean film
“Moostro” the French “O Mà” by Vincent Launay – Franceschini and
the film by Iranian director Alireza Teimori “Mostafa”.

The national section is well represented by the film awarded with the
Nastro d’Argento 2021, “Bataclan” by Emanuele Aldrovandi, the short
films produced by the Experimental Center of Cinematography,
“Ninnaò” by Ernesto Maria Censori and “Tropicana” by Francesco
Romano awarded with Special Mention for directing at the Festa del
Cinema in Rome 2020 – Alice nella Città, by the surprising “La Terra
delle Onde” by Francesco Lorusso well acted by the young actors
protagonists. “A new Perspective” by Emanuela Ponzano, present in
the national competition, will make us reflect on the “walls” raised in
different nations. We will smile with “Bailabamba” by Andrea Walts,
and we will appreciate the actings of Giorgio Colangeli present in “Nel
Blu” by Mounir Derbal and of the moving Milena Vukotic in “Con i
Pedoni tra le Nuvole” by Maurizio Rigatti.

Surprising and rich the section of the Campania Region that expresses
the moment of considerable creative vivacity of the film industries
present in Campania. The couple of directors Chiara Marotta and Loris
Giuseppe Nese represent the spearhead of this edition of the festival
with their “Il Turno” presented at the 78th Venice Film Festival and also
competing in our festival and with “Malumore”, out of competition”
and awarded at the last edition Torino Film Festival. Valerio Vestoso
will present in competition after the success at the recent Festa del
Cinema in Rome, “Le buone Maniere” with the couple of actors in
great stride, Giovanni Esposito and Gino Rivieccio. Maddalena
Stornaiuolo with “Coriandoli” presented at the Mostra del Cinema of
Venice this year and Edgardo Pistone with “Le Mosche”, awarded last
year in Venice as well, “Homeless” by Luca Esposito and “Estate
Povera” by Andrea Piretti will lead us to reflect on the “suburbs”.
Closing the section “a Couple” of the director of the Centro
Sperimentale di Fotografia, the short film with a muffled atmosphere
“From Day until Evening” by Alessandro Gattuso, “Music in the Soul” by
Loris Arduino excellently starred by Lello Serao, and “L’Invito” Borruto
Brothers with Andy Luotto.

Among the documentaries selected in the competition, deserve
attention, among others, “Fiaba Garganica” by Adriano Losacco, “Fritti
18° Festival Internazionale del Cortometraggio accordi @ DISACCORDI 8
dalle Stelle” by the cinegustologo and film critic Marco Lombardi, “Vive
Saint Sara!” by Daniele Lucaferri, a 48-hour journey into the world of
gypsies and “The Naples of My Father” by Alessia Bottone, a journey
back in time.

Also very rich is the section of short animated films, both in
competition and out of competition, received mainly thanks to the
accredited presence of our festival in the main international circuits of
Animation and Experimental Cinema. In the competition the attention
was paid to the Cinema of the Americas and to amazing experimental
films, awarded or in competition, at the International Festival of
Animation in Annecy: “Jung & Restless” by Joanna Priestley and
“Memorabilia” by Mélissa Faivre. “Mondo Domino” by Suki Suki and
produced by Arte France Cinéma will amaze the audience.

Finally to close the sections in the competition on environmental and
climate change. A 360 degrees look at the state of Planet Earth, also
contemplating beauties that maybe one day will finally disappear!

accordi @ DISACCORDI
International Short Film Festival – 18th Edition

Redesigning the festival all of a sudden with the language of the Web is the challenge to the change that recent government regulations have imposed on us by saying goodbye, for this year, to the presence of the live audience

Thanks to the partnership of the international platform “Festhome” with ‘accordi @ DISACCORDI’, all short films, animated short films, documentaries and making of, this year will be shown exclusively online, for 24 hours starting from the online show on 10 November 2020 and to follow for 12 days.accordi @ DISACCORDI, International Short Film Festival, in its 17th edition, sees the participation, in its various sections, of 128 short films representing 27 nations of the 3.721 short films received in the competition from 116 countries. These are the first flattering numbers of the kermesse directed by Pietro Pizzimento and Fabio Gargano.

The 17th edition of accordi @ DISACCORDI International Short Film Festival is organized by the Association Movies Event, with the main sponsor ASCI – Neapolitan Cinema School, with the partnership of Film Commission Campania Region and AMC – Association of Cinematographic and Television Editors and in collaboration with the City of Naples –  Department of Culture and Tourism, with the Experimental Centre of Cinematography, with National Short Film Centre, and with the support of the Campania Region.

The new challenge that awaits us with the audience and the people involved in the work, will be to share the language of the short film, to unite the nations, and to intrigue through the enhancement of the Web media with which the festival will have to interact from the next years.

The festival, this year, consists of six sections in competition: short films of international, national fiction and directors from the Campania Region; short documentaries, animated shorts and making of; panorama of each section in competition and to conclude the section out of competition that last year has excited the audience: Short short films: short films from a few seconds to three minutes! This year, the “Quarantine Time” section could not be missed: an explosion of narrative creativity in times of crisis.

The winner of the national short film and the winning director from Campania will be awarded, in the presence with the reopening of the cinemas, respectively the prize of one thousand Euros provided by the Film Commission Campania Region and a crane film kindly offered by ASCI, Neapolitan Cinema School in the person of Luca Cestari.

The artistic jury will be composed by the editor Giogiò Franchini, president, accompanied by the actress Teresa Saponangelo and the director Lamberto Lambertini. The technical jury sponsored by AMC, Associazione Montaggio Cinematografico Televisivo, will be composed by the editors Giogiò Franchini, president, and by Osvaldo Bargero and Alessandro Giordani and will present the award for best editing.